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Melanie & Brad Ellsworth


Meet & Contact Melanie & Brad Ellsworth

After vacationing on the Emerald Coast and 30A for the past 17 years, and all of the kids grown and out of the nest, we decided it was time to get a place of our own, so we could live our best beach lives more often. The beach is truly where we find serenity and our calm, so this is our happy place.  My husband and I are both originally from the Midwest, and I'm from Chicago proper, where I was born and raised. We both grew up on the lakes in IL, boating and enjoying the time with friends, so our dream, since we met, was to one day have a place by the water. We're proud Texans now, and we've called the Lone Star state our home for the past 12 years! 

We'd love to share the beautiful white sand beach and gorgeous emarald waters with you in our beach home for your next getaway.  We promise it will be Worth the Wait!

My Listings

Worth The Wait Beach Townhouse

Tops'l Beach and Racquet Resort