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Get to know your beach when visiting the Emerald Coast.

Learn exactly what those different colored flags posted on the beach mean when trying to stay safe on your next Emerald Coast Vacation.


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No matter the time of year, when you are making your annual trip down to any part of the Emerald Coast, safety is going to be the number one priority. Whether it is getting everyone familiar with the surrounding area to know where you are, to making sure that everyone has a “vacation buddy” to stick beside them in case of emergencies. However, one form of safety that the beaches of the Emerald Coast like to help out with is knowing when it is safe to enter the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

After you have checked into your Emerald Coast Vacation Rental, you want to start your vacation off right and head on down to the sugary white sands that the Gulf of Mexico provides. When coming upon the entrance of your part of the beach, you may notice a large flagpole with a bright colored flag flowing in the wind. These aren’t just for decoration, or for a place marker to know where you are. These different color flags are very important to how you are spending your day at the beach. They represent the safety conditions that the surf is in. There is also a good chance that you will see two different colored flags flying at the same time. Take a look below, to see exactly what each color flag means:  

Green- Low hazard (Calm conditions, exercise caution).

Yellow- Medium hazard (Moderate Surf and/or currents).

Purple- Dangerous marine life.

Red- High Hazard (High surf and/or strong currents).

Double Red- Water closed to public.

Depending on where you are spending your vacation along the Emerald Coast, there may not be any beach lifeguards on duty, so it is very important that every member of your group traveling with you pays close attention to these flags and any of the changes that are made to them. Even if the skies are blue with not a cloud in sight and the wind is as gentle as it has ever been, the currents and waves can still be strong enough to whisk anyone away. Remember to pay close attention to what is swimming around you when the purple flags are out, know that “knee deep is too deep” if you see the yellow flag flying high and to avoid any part of the water if you see one ounce of red in the sky.

Emearld Coast Beach Safety

Let ECBYO.COM help you stay safe and make amazing memories when you book your next Emerald Coast Vacation Rental!

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