Privately Owned Vacation Rental Properties

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Mike Wilson


Meet & Contact Mike Wilson

My backgound has primarily been involved with the hospitality industry, having been assosciated for 30 years with the Greater Cincinnati Convention and Visitors Bureau. For 20 of those years, I served as the President and CEO of that organization. After retiring in 2001, I began my second career in the coin laundry industry, owning 5 stores in the Cincinnati and Middletown, Ohio region. After 16 years in the coin laundry industry, I am currently in the process of becoming fully retired. We have owned our Summerspell condo since 2001 and absolutely love the area and the time we have available to visit Destin and all it has to offer. My years in the hopsitality industry formed my basis for striving to exceed the expectations of our visitors. We take great pride in giving our guests very good value when renting our property and are committed to keeping the condo up to date and in excellent shape for them to enjoy. We are very available by phone or email to address any questions about the condo or the Destin area. Enjoy Destin and thanks for making Summerspell 202 or the Islander Resort 218 your vacation address!!!     Ruthie and Mike Wilson


My Listings

Summerspell 202
